Sony PlayStation Classic

After the failed partnership with Nintendo in 1991, Sony developed its own console and released the PlayStation in 1994. PlayStation immediately received a warm reception from the gaming world. and quickly challenged Nintendo's dominant position. In the next generations, Sony produced quality products and continued the two-horse race with Nintendo, then the three-horse when Microsoft entered the market. Sony PlayStation Classic went public for the first time on 12/01/2018. It immediately became a hit with gamers around the world at that time. It has the Quad-Core ARM Cortex A35 CPU @1.5GHz and Power VR GE8300 processors, along with 1GB and 16GB memory. Sony PlayStation Classic gave a great experience for gamers in its generation from the quality of the graphics to the smoothness when playing games. It has a weight of 170g and Yes.

Sony PlayStation Classic

Sony PlayStation Classic
